[Rdap] Save the Date! AIDR 2020 (Virtual): Artificial Intelligence for Data Discovery and Reuse at Carnegie Mellon University

Hannah C. Gunderman hgunderm at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Jul 29 08:56:37 EDT 2020

Hello RDAP,

I am writing to share the following Save the Data for AIDR 2020, a virtual conference happening in October and hosted by Carnegie Mellon University, in conjunction with our 3rd annual Open Science Symposium. Please let me know if you have any questions about this conference!

Save the Date

AIDR 2020 Symposium<https://events.library.cmu.edu/aidr2020/>:

Artificial Intelligence for Data Discovery and Reuse

October 19, 2020

In conjunction with Open Science Symposium<https://events.library.cmu.edu/oss2020/>

October 20, 2020

AIDR aims to bring all stakeholders together to find innovative solutions to accelerate the dissemination and reuse of scientific data in the data revolution. Last year, supported by the NSF scientific data reuse initiative, the inaugural AIDR 2019<https://events.library.cmu.edu/aidr2019/> attracted AI/ML researchers, data and information professionals, scientists from a wide range of disciplines, and the technology industry, to share innovative AI tools, algorithms, and applications to make data more discoverable and reusable, and to discuss mutual challenges in data sharing and reuse. This year, we are following up with a one-day, virtual AIDR Symposium that provides a place for the community to continue having these conversations and work together to build a healthy data ecosystem. The program will feature invited speakers and panel discussions from a variety of disciplines including a focused session on COVID-19 data. Audience members are highly encouraged to join the conversation by submitting a poster, joining the panel discussions and virtual social hours, and connecting on Slack.

For more information, visit


Or email aidr at andrew.cmu.edu<mailto:aidr at andrew.cmu.edu>



Hannah C. Gunderman, Ph.D. Geography
My pronouns are she/her (<https://www.mypronouns.org/what-and-why><https://www.mypronouns.org/what-and-why>what does this mean?<https://www.mypronouns.org/what-and-why>)
Research Data Management Consultant | University Libraries Faculty
Lead, Research Data Services
Carnegie Mellon University
410A Hunt Library | 865-973-9543
4909 Frew Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
hgunderm at andrew.cmu.edu<mailto:hgunderm at andrew.cmu.edu>

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahcgunderman/
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7710-7055

Due to disruptions caused by COVID-19, I am often working outside of a traditional Monday-Friday, 9-5 schedule. If I send you emails outside of your normal working hours, please do not feel obligated to respond during your time off.

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